We are moving into an exciting phase with our 50-year anniversary approaching next year as well as planning for our big move into the new clubhouse for a new chapter of life. With all of this, we thought it was only fitting to give our famous TIDE magazine a big makeover, bringing it into the 21st century but still keeping our modern retro trademark twist. TIDE will be available digitally on all devices but will also be available to pick up in hard copy at the clubhouse if you prefer the physical touch!
Our team has worked tirelessly to bring you this new and improved edition which will continue to be published every two months over the coming years. Featuring new sections and a fresh new style, we wanted to make it more engaging and easier to read. Please click the below link to download the digital version which you can view and read on any device. TIDE Magazine - Issue May/June 2022 If you have any comments or feedback, please feel free to email it through to Kym, our Marketing & Communications Manager at marketingmanager@orssc.asn.au. We hope you like it!